The characteristics of the booth design and construction

  In the design and construction of the booth, the selection and use of materials is very important. Modern science and technology are developing rapidly, new materials and new energy sources are emerging one after another. Green environmental protection, exhibition design trends, aesthetic design direction of exhibits, and cost saving are all highly respected today.


  In addition to product design and packaging, many manufacturers tend to ignore the decoration of the booth at the show, which also has an impact on the various experiences of the product. In some exhibitions, the booths of many companies are still at the level of “three shifts, one table and two stools”, which is nothing new and not eye-catching. This can only be a visitor who feels that the boring stay time is greatly shortened. There are also some companies that can effectively attract buyers, and in the small area and short time of the exhibition, buyers are impressed with their products and even directly contact purchases. Product quality and reliability are important, but bold innovations in design are also indispensable. All in all, the exhibition needs to show the characteristics of green environmental protection, innovation, performance, art or human society and public interest, technology, in order to attract visitors.



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10th Floor, Leidisen Fortune Center, 108 Xinbei Road, Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou, China

Our working time is from Monday to Friday (08:30am-5:30pm)




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